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Testimonials - you matter to us!

"Thank you very much for sending the product. It’s amazing! You have done a great job, congratulations." - Sports Therapist


"I have had two frozen shoulders, the first one was hand massaged as the TMT wasn't available to buy. It took a long time to recover from the shoulder injury. The next time I had a frozen shoulder my therapist used the TMT and I was amazed at how much quicker the shoulder recovered. I have now bought one for myself to use in between treatments." - Patient 


"So far so good, it is fairly straight forward to use. It has made it easier on my thumbs and fingers. - Chiropractor


"I have been using the TMT in my clinic regularly with my patients, and they have given positive feedback."- Physiotherapist


“The TMT is a real back and shoulder saver! As a freelance cameraman I constantly am working with heavy equipment for long periods of time and get very sore backs and shoulders. The TMT being so small and portable means I can take it anywhere and am able to apply hard and soft pressure relief. Worth every penny!” - Camera Operator

Exhibitions & Publications

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